Champion Program™ Yangfang Kennel

冠军计划™ 之扬帆犬舍


Yanfang Kennel is FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) CKU permanent registered kennel
Kennel NO.: 13120


Founded in 2009, Yanfang Kennel can be described as the industry’s first important kennel focusing on breeding Labrador Retriever. In 2010, Yanfang Kennel has directly introduced nearly 60 Labradors from the United States and Britain in the initial stage and strengthened the establishment of the base population, which is rare in China. After several years’ unremitting efforts and the correct understanding of Labrador, Yanfang Kennel has successfully breed numerous champion Labradors and some of them also participated in world-class dog shows in United States and many European countries.


In 2014, Darmals began the cooperation with Yanfang Kennel and engaged in the Champion Program™. As part of the program, a Labrador bitch called “Ice” performs noticeably well in the recent CKU shows. In the first 4 months of 2017, Ice has won 13 JBIS titles in 15 CKU champion shows.

大玛仕冠军犬Darmals Champion Dog:Ice

CKU注册号CKU Registration NO.:CKU-122337154/17

出生日期Birthday:2016年6月17日 17th,June,2016



2017年CKU郑州全犬种国家冠军展青年组组 全场总冠军第一名(JBIS1)

2017 CKU Zhengzhou All Breeds National Champion Show Junior Group JBIS1

2017年CKU希可优全犬种中国冠军展青年组 全场总冠军第一名(JBIS1)

2017 CKU All Breeds China Champion Show Junior Group JBIS1

2017年CKU上海全犬种中国冠军展青年组 全场总冠军第三名(JBIS3)

2017 CKU Shanghai All Breeds China Champion Show Junior Group JBIS3

2017年CKU华东区全犬种中国冠军展青年组 全场总冠军第二名(JBIS2)

2017 CKU East China All Breeds China Champion Show Junior Group JBIS2

2017年CKU希可优全犬种国家冠军展青年组 全场总冠军第一名(JBIS1)

2017 CKU All Breeds National Champion Show Junior Group JBIS1

2017年CKU大连全犬种FCI国际冠军展青年组 全场总冠军三名(JBIS3)

2017 CKU Dalian All Breeds FCI International Champion Show Junior Group JBIS3

2017年CKU本溪全犬种中国冠军展青年组 全场总冠军第二名(JBIS2)

2017 CKU Benxi All Breeds China Champion Show Junior Group JBIS2

2017年CKU沈阳全犬种中国冠军展青年组 全场总冠军第一名(JBIS1)

2017 CKU Shenyang All Breeds China Champion Show Junior Group JBIS1)

2017年CKU辽宁全犬种国家冠军展青年组 全场总冠军第一名(JBIS1)

2017 CKU Liaoning All Breeds National Champion Show Junior Group JBIS1


Only in the first half of 2017, Ice won 13 CKU Junior Group JBIS titles and 24 CKU Junior Group BOJ titles. This is just the beginning for Ice. Her future will be more gratifying.

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What's your dog's name?


How old is your dog?


How much your dog weight?

  • 0.5-12kg
  • 13-22kg
  • 23-31kg
  • 31-40kg
  • 41-54kg
  • 55-68kg
  • 69-80kg
  • I don't know

How about your dog's activity?

  • 适度活跃 Moderately Active
  • 高度活跃 High Active
  • 不活跃 Inactive

What's your dog's healthy problem?

  • 生长发育 Growth & Development
  • 活力健骨 Strengthen Bone
  • 敏感肠胃 Sensitive Stomach
  • 缓解泪痕 Tear Stain
  • 健康皮毛 Skin or Coat Issues
  • 口味挑剔 Picky Taste
  • 孕期、哺乳期 Pregnant or Lactational
  • 状态良好 Good Condition

Recommended Products For Your Dog



Based on **’s information you have supplied, these are the best recipes for your dog. Please keep in mind that every dog has its own unique flavor preference and metabolism, only the right and exclusive formula can make you worry-free and make your dog happy and cheerful.

What's your cat's name?


How old is your cat?


How about your cat's activity?

  • 适度活跃 Moderately Active
  • 高度活跃 High Active
  • 不活跃 Inactive

What's your cat's healthy problem?

  • 生长发育 Growth & Development
  • 泌尿健康 Urinary Health
  • 健康皮毛 Skin or Coat Issues
  • 毛球烦恼 Hair Balls
  • 孕期、哺乳期 Pregnant or Lactational
  • 状态良好 Good Condition

Recommended Products For Your Cat



Based on **’s information you have supplied, these are the best recipes for your cat. Please keep in mind that every cat has its own unique flavor preference and metabolism, only the right and exclusive formula can make you worry-free and make your cat happy and cheerful.

