Champion Program™ August Cattery

冠军计划™ 之八月猫舍

冠军计划™ 之八月猫舍

Qing Cheng Kennel is FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) CKU permanent registered kennel
Cattery ID: 000722

冠军计划™ 之八月猫舍 Champion Program™ –August Cattery

August Cattery is registered with the International Cat Exhibitors (ICE) Association.
猫舍编号 Cattery ID:000722

August Cattery was established on July 13, 2015, focusing on breeding Munchkin cats and Persian cats. By incorporating a combination of Persian and Munchkin populations, the cattery imports cats from top-notch domestic and international catteries. All breeding cats undergo genetic testing for inherited diseases.

In 2022, Darmals initiated a partnership with August Cattery under the Champion Program™. Among them, a female cat named “August” has displayed stunning characteristics, including a perfect Munchkin face, and a gentle affectionate personality. Within just six months, August has achieved excellent results, consistently ranking among the top titles in multiple shows and competitions.

大玛仕冠军猫Darmals Champion Cat:八月August
血统证书号Pedigree Certificate Number:MNL01-001294
出生日期Date of Birth:2020年9月2日 September 2, 2020
性别Gender:母 Female
所获荣誉Achievements Awarded:
ICE Kitten Group KGC Champion title
CFA Adult Group GC Super Grand Champion title
CFA Adult Group RW Regional Champion title
2021.3.6 ICE 南京赛全场第九名
March 6, 2021: Ranked 9th overall in the Nanjing show
2021.3.20 ICE 连云港全场第五名
March 20, 2021: Ranked 5th overall in the Lianyungang show
2021.3.27 ICE常州赛全场第七名
March 27, 2021: Ranked 7th overall in the Changzhou show
2021.7.9 ICE南通赛全场第十三名
July 9, 2021: Ranked 13th overall in the Nantong show
2021.11.27 ICE宁波赛全场第六名
November 27, 2021: Ranked 6th overall in the Ningbo show
ICE 21至22赛季 成猫NW第27名
ICE 21-22 Season: Ranked 27th overall in the Adult NW category

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What's your dog's name?


How old is your dog?


How much your dog weight?

  • 0.5-12kg
  • 13-22kg
  • 23-31kg
  • 31-40kg
  • 41-54kg
  • 55-68kg
  • 69-80kg
  • I don't know

How about your dog's activity?

  • 适度活跃 Moderately Active
  • 高度活跃 High Active
  • 不活跃 Inactive

What's your dog's healthy problem?

  • 生长发育 Growth & Development
  • 活力健骨 Strengthen Bone
  • 敏感肠胃 Sensitive Stomach
  • 缓解泪痕 Tear Stain
  • 健康皮毛 Skin or Coat Issues
  • 口味挑剔 Picky Taste
  • 孕期、哺乳期 Pregnant or Lactational
  • 状态良好 Good Condition

Recommended Products For Your Dog



Based on **’s information you have supplied, these are the best recipes for your dog. Please keep in mind that every dog has its own unique flavor preference and metabolism, only the right and exclusive formula can make you worry-free and make your dog happy and cheerful.

What's your cat's name?


How old is your cat?


How about your cat's activity?

  • 适度活跃 Moderately Active
  • 高度活跃 High Active
  • 不活跃 Inactive

What's your cat's healthy problem?

  • 生长发育 Growth & Development
  • 泌尿健康 Urinary Health
  • 健康皮毛 Skin or Coat Issues
  • 毛球烦恼 Hair Balls
  • 孕期、哺乳期 Pregnant or Lactational
  • 状态良好 Good Condition

Recommended Products For Your Cat



Based on **’s information you have supplied, these are the best recipes for your cat. Please keep in mind that every cat has its own unique flavor preference and metabolism, only the right and exclusive formula can make you worry-free and make your cat happy and cheerful.

