Chicken & Goat Milk
动物蛋白 Animal Protein -
蔬果 Fruits & Vegetables -
谷物 Grain
适用对象 SuitablePuppies / 幼犬奶糕
规格 TP1.5kg10kg
All Stages
Loaded with high quality chicken, natural goat milk and fresh fruits and vegetables, Chicken & Goat milk Recipe , brimming with goodness and taste, balances puppy’s nutrition and energy requirements, enhances physical immunity, and promotes visual and mental development.
Balance Nutrition Demand for Puppy
The high demand of nutrition and energy for high-speed metabolism during rapid growth period of puppy is essential for growth and development of organ and tissue and bone in the whole puppy period. According to the nutrition(protein, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, calcium, trace elements, etc) and energy demand for growth and development in whole puppy period, Darmals nutritionists have supplemented and added a variety of nutrients at a reasonable ratio in our formula, to promote the growth and immunity of puppy. Darmals help and company your puppy grow happily and healthily.
Enhance and Improve Puppy’s Immunization
Puppies’ immunity is weakest during weaning period and they are prone to have stress reaction, such as diarrhea. In this time, the supplementary nutrition to enhance puppy immunity is necessary. Darmals High Immune Growth Formula, rich in Immune polysaccharide, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and other elements, is effective to improve the ability of resistance to virus and regulate the intestinal to lower the weaning stress and diarrhea. Darmals help your puppy wean safely without stress.
Promote Body and Brain Development
鱼油提供充足EPA和DHA等多不饱和脂肪酸,DHA 在大脑细胞膜和视网膜光感细胞中含量丰富,对幼犬时期脑部发育及视网膜光感细胞的成熟起到关键作用。丰富的DHA搭配EPA可促进视力成熟,智力发育,让幼犬赢在起跑线。
Unsaturated fatty acids such as EPA&DHA getting from fish oil, rich in brain membranes and light-sensitive cells, are beneficial to brain development and the maturation of Photoreceptor cells of retina in puppy period. The collocation of DHA and EPA can promote visual mature and brain development, making your puppy to win from starting line.
Highly Absorbable Particles Easy to Feed
Hydratable kibbles formula can be dry or wet, which is suitable for small deciduous teeth after immersion and reduce the dyspepsia, such as emesis and diarrhea caused by the food transition from liquid to dry. Hydratable kibbles particles ensure the smooth transition from liquid food to dry food.
Great Palatability For Picky Puppy
Authentic ingredients make great palatability. A variety of selected ingredients matched with high-content meat can guarantee nutrition supply and taste buds enjoy which is totally conforming with puppies’ original feeding habits. Great palatability make every meal a royal enjoy and completely satisfy picky dogs.
King Puppy Formula Like Mom’s Nursing
– 奶中之王 母爱滋养 –
鸡肉 Chicken
鸡肉属于高蛋白低脂肪的食材,其消化吸收率高。鸡肉中含有的丰富胶质蛋白能够被机体迅速吸收和利用,是一种非常好的胶质,对皮肤有较好的保护作用。 同时,鸡肉也是磷、铁、铜、锌等营养素的良好来源,并且富含维生素B12、维生素B6、维生素A、维生素D、维生素K等,给机体提供均衡营养。
As a high-protein and low-fat ingredient, chicken is highly quick to be absorbed. With rich Glial protein which can be absorbed and utilized rapidly to protect pet skin, chicken is also a good resource for phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K that provide the best and balanced nutrition for your puppy.
羊奶 Goat Milk
Goat milk features in lower casein which can form large coagulum under the action of gastric acid and cause diarrhea, and higher whey protein which can activate and strengthen the organism immunity as a complete protein containing all proteins needed by organism metabolism when compared to common milk. Besides, small fat granule of goat milk, mostly as short-chain unsaturated fatty acid present good emulsion state and is easy to be absorbed.
脱水鸡肉、羊奶粉、豌豆、脱水马铃薯、脱水红薯、木薯淀粉 、甜菜纤维、大豆蛋白、鸡脂(以维生素C和迷迭香混合作为天然保鲜原料)、益生菌( 嗜酸乳杆菌、干酪乳杆菌、屎肠球菌 )、苹果、蓝莓、牛油果、鱼油、卵磷脂、碳酸钙、磷酸氢钙、氯化胆碱、胡萝卜、山药、紫薯、芹菜、红薯、丝兰粉、枸杞粉、氨基酸螯合锌、氨基酸螯合铁、氨基酸螯合铜、氨基酸螯合锰、维生素A、维生素D3、维生素E、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素B12、烟酰胺、泛酸钙、叶酸
Dehydrated chicken, goat milk powder, pea, dehydrated potato, dehydrated sweet potato, cassava starch, beet fiber, soy protein, chicken fat(natural preservation-vitamin C and rosemary), probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Enterococcus faecalis),apple, blueberry, avocado, fish oil, lecithin, calcium carbonate, calcium hydrophosphate, choline chloride, carrot, yam, purple potato, yucca powder, medlar powder, Zinc-amino acid chelate, Iron amino acid chelate, Copper amino acid chelate, Manganese amino acid chelate, vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin B1,vitamin B2, vitamin B12, nicotinamide, calcium pantothenate, folic acid.
Feeding Amount and Method
每日饲喂推荐量( 克/天)Recommended Daily Feeding Amount (g/d)
喂食方法 Feeding method
Refer to recommended amount, 3-4 times per day.对于刚离乳的幼犬可根据乳齿生长情况酌情用温水泡软后喂食。
For the weaning puppy, soften the particles in warm water before feeding.本产品能为幼犬及孕期哺乳期母犬提供所需营养,不需添加额外补助品。
Darmals recipes can provide all the nutrition for puppies, lactating or pregnant dogs. No need any nutrient supplements.饲喂量取决于狗狗的健康、年龄、活动量、温度和环境。
Feeding amount depends on the physical condition, age, activity, body temperature of your dog. -
Guaranteed Analysis (Based On Dry Matter)
粗蛋白(Crude Protein)≥30.0%
粗脂肪(Crude Fat)≥16.0%
粗纤维(Crude Fiber)≤5.0%
水溶性氯化物 (以cl-计) ≥0.45%
水 分(Moisture)≤12.0%
粗灰分(Crude Ash)≤10.0%